Mycroft Everything I Own is a useful application that allows you to keep track of each and every item you own.
Rather than searching about for all the details of your belongings during any contingency, it would be more convenient if you have a handy inventory of all your personal objects. With the help of this application you can easily enter all the details of your belongings and keep track of each and every item. Just spend a few minutes with this tool and enter details of items for saving thousands of dollars and many hours of work. This application allows you to keep track of the following: name of item, item description, brand and model name, purchase date, type of item, serial number, list purchase price, replacement cost, warranties, location, types of items, condition of items, and where it was purchased. With its simple interface, this tool can be fed with data using the “add item” and “edit item” option. The tool also allows you to view and print single item reports or the entire database. It has an easy backup and restore feature, as well as online help files, data backup reminders after editing records, message box alerts for incorrect typing, change column selection and so on. You can try this program before buying it.